Sunday, March 29, 2009


Stress can kill...

I love this article on stress reducing tips. But first let me tell you...

Thursday while Jamie and I were stranded without a car because Mike's vehicle wouldn't go forward I got a call from my mom. She asked for a ride to the Dr. I told her we were stranded without a car, and she said ok, and hung up. I felt bad but just thought she had bronchitus as she often gets, as her voice sounded really rough.

Later on that day her friend called and said mom had been rushed to the hospital and they almost had to put her on Life support. It appears her heart valve gave out. We found out this valve was faulty last month when she got in the accident. It appears that it caused her to black out and hit that car. So we were on the right track to getting it replaced. We went to the heart dr. and had an appt with the heart surgeon coming up. It just didn't last as long as we had hoped I guess.

So she is in CCU (Critical Care) unable to talk above a whisper and on oxygen anyway. So I have been visiting her several times daily and back and forth to her apartment as well. Thank god she has caring neighbors who actually convinced mom that EMT needed to be called. (She just was asking for a ride to the dr). Also the nice neighbors are feeding the cat. I just need to go by there and scoop the poop.

But I also need to do chores for my mom that she has been putting off such as calling about her ticket she got from the accident and following up about her mobile home and take care of her bills, and so on...

Anyway Friday when I was in the middle of all of this fun, I got a succinct email from my boss.

To: Marthavmuffin (not really!)
From: Martha's Boss

You need to see Big Boss before you leave today.

That's it.

What would you think@?@?@@!!!

To be cont.

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